New Years’ Resolution 2023

New Years’ Resolution 2023

I have never been great with making new year's resolutions. I can’t really explain why but they always felt unauthentic when I tried. I would try to make a list of things I wanted to change about myself, and then either start off feeling crappy about myself which would often lead to lousy self-talk, or I would start strong for a month or two before going back to old habits. Truthfully, if we want to make changes in our life, the best time to begin is now (no matter what day of the week or year that is.)

It is not that I think new year’s resolutions are bad by any means. It is just that I wonder at our intention behind them. What are we really trying to achieve? Usually there is a deeper desire beneath the resolutions we set. But also, the question begs to be asked, who’s setting it?

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