Do you set healthy boundaries? Are you ready to journey inward?

Boundaries is a fascinating subject. One, because there are so many different areas of our lives, plus, many of us have different boundaries for different people and situations. Then there is also the fascinating fact that our boundaries change as we evolve through experiences, healing, and growth.

I definitely did not have healthy boundaries when I was younger. Low self-esteem had me willing to take the scraps of other people’s time and attention. Wow, that sounds really sad! But, it is the truth. It wasn't until I started to work on my self-worth that I was able to start setting boundaries, and at first I didn't handle it in a healthy way. Usually it was done with resentment, pissed off that I had to set it and people didn't just 'know'. This is really confrontation as opposed to setting boundaries, let alone healthy ones. This passive-aggressive behaviour often ‘bit me in the ass’ with relationships falling apart and my own self-disappointment.

To be able to set a healthy boundary we must first journey inward. By making this move we can get a clear sense of ourselves and where our boundaries are to create and maintain healthy relationships in every area of our lives. So often we are completely unaware of our thoughts, beliefs, opinions, emotions, etc. By becoming aware of ourselves we have a true starting point to move from.

Having boundaries allows you to make yourself as well as your loved ones a priority. We set our worth, no one else. One of the first steps to creating this is through healthy boundaries. This allows us to respond rather than react when dealing with others. When we respond we are able to reflect on our experiences rather than judge. We interact intentionally rather than hurting ourselves and others unintentionally.

Often our boundaries are subconsciously set by our childhoods or unhealthy relationships, so it is important to explore ourselves without judgment. These imbalances can be released and healed. Healed people heal people, which means that as we set boundaries in healthy ways, we unconsciously teach others to do the same.

Are you ready to be Consciously Empowered?

Are you ready to journey inward?

brightest of blessings,

Dawn xo

Spiritual Guide, Empowerment Coach, Teacher, & Speaker


Personal boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits.

Begin creating healthy boundaries today by:

  • Say no – to tasks you don’t want to do or don’t have time to do.

  • Say yes – to support offered.

  • Say thank you with no apology, regret, or shame.

  • Ask for help.

  • Delegate tasks (at home and work)

  • Protect your time – don’t overcommit.

  • Take some space – we all need our own time.

  • Speak up if you feel uncomfortable with how someone is treating you or your needs are being infringed upon.

  • Honor what is important to you by choosing to take care of yourself first, so that you are truly able to support others. 

  • Drop the guilt and responsibility for others.

  • Stop ‘should-ing’ on yourself and others. 

  • Share personal information gradually and in a mutual way (give and take)

Dawn Elgin | Conscious Empowerment / Spiritual Coach & Awakening Light


Freedom in the Little Things


Are You Your Thoughts?